Water Miracle Facts

Essence of Life
Gifted by nature to create life, water is intrinsic to our physiology. Water makes up 60%1 of our body composition. Water is essential for bodily functions as basic as respiration, metabolism, and even down to the microscopic level of sustaining cell life. But this miracle that water performs is finite – the average adult loses about 2.5 litres2 of water daily as they breathe and sweat. In fact, a mere 2% drop3 in their body’s water supply may trigger signs of mild dehydration! Dehydration hinders physical and mental capability, often triggering body fatigue, headaches, poor attention, memory and even mood. So next time when you think about skipping that glass of water, think again!

Original Article: https://www.nuskin.com/content/corpcom/en_US/thesource/healthandfitness/-the-water-miracle-youve-been-waiting-for.html

Other Sources:
This is based on an average human adult body – The Water In You. U.S. Geological Survey, 2016
2 Water – A Vital Nutrient. Department of Health & Human Services, State Government of Victoria, Australia, 2014

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